【同义词辨析】 2020-07-06 辛辣pungent-racy

pungent: implies a sharp, stinging, biting quality, especially of odors: a cheese of with a ~ odor.    又如the pungent smell of burning rubber烧橡胶的刺鼻气味,还表示一针见血一语道破,即直接有力direct and having a strong effect,如pungent criticism/analysis一针见血的批评/分析

piquant: suggests a power to whet the appetite or interest through a mildly pungent or provocative quality: grapefruit juice gave the punch it ~ taste.  to whet one's appetite固定搭配   punch is a drink made from wine or spirits mixed with things such as sugar, lemons, and spices潘趣酒宾治酒: 各种酒和糖、柠檬、调料等勾兑而成的饮料

poignant: suggests something that is sharply or piercingly effective in stirring one's consciousness or emotions: upon her departure he felt a ~ sense of loss.   又如a poignant documentary on the plight of the homeless深切体恤无家可归者困境的纪录片,如a poignant reminder of the passing of time深切提醒时光飞逝

racy: implies possession of a strongly characteristic natural quality that is fresh and unimpaired: the spontaneous, ~ prose of the untutored writer.   a racy novel新鲜活泼的小说

pungent刺鼻: 指气味尖锐刺鼻,仿佛是在叮咬,piquant辛辣开胃: 表示气味或味道引人胃口兴趣稍微有些刺鼻,poignant深切: 表示深深激发人的情感 ,racy活泼新鲜: 指具有自然新鲜活泼的特点

记忆方法: 1)首字母PPPR想成PePPeR辣椒去掉两端e(nd)<==辛辣

        2)辛辣的意思是尖锐刺激mean sharp and stimulating to the mind or the senses.         stimulate刺激to raise levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body使身体兴奋,如exercise stimulates the flow of blood.体操促进血液流动,如alcohol stimulates the action of the heart酒刺激心脏的活动,还表示激发兴趣热情